
Showing posts from January, 2020

Automated Cluster setup script

Automated Cluster setup script I wrote. I found that there were already scripts out there that did pieces of it, but none I found that ran the test parsed it and then continue to building it. It could probably be better and there are probably more "status codes" it could throw, but it has worked well enough for us so far. I won't post the whole thing as there is some stuff I would have to rip out for proprietary reasons, but at least the portion that looks at the report and continues. Logwrite is a custom function we use to write a log file. We are setting up AOA clusters with no shared storage so that is why we use the -nostorage during the cluster build. ###################################################################### #    Configure Cluster ###################################################################### LogWrite "Testing cluster configuration this will take a few minutes on $arrcomputers" -color white Test-Cluster -node $ArrComputers -Rep...

Little 10Gb in my Life

I don't quite want to cough up the cash for a 10Gb switch yet, though I have been looking. What I did want to do though was keep an eye on 10Gb cards to do direct connects between my 2 ESX Hosts and FreeNas box. So after a reasonable amount of looking I found some NICs which are supported on both ESX 6.5 and on FreeNAS (more on this later) Solarflare 10Gb NICs at only 17 dollars each ****BINGO*** So I also ordered a couple Finisar SFPs at 10 dollars each to fill them out. I only had 2 Cisco 10Gb SFPs in a drawer, but I have used both at work in the past and never had an issue. Both of these seem to work fine in these cards. Now the of the 3 I ordered was bad. I am sure they will fix it, but it did cause me some headaches because I put both good ones in my ESX boxes loaded the VIB fil...