Little 10Gb in my Life

I don't quite want to cough up the cash for a 10Gb switch yet, though I have been looking. What I did want to do though was keep an eye on 10Gb cards to do direct connects between my 2 ESX Hosts and FreeNas box.

So after a reasonable amount of looking I found some NICs which are supported on both ESX 6.5 and on FreeNAS (more on this later) Solarflare 10Gb NICs at only 17 dollars each ****BINGO***

So I also ordered a couple Finisar SFPs at 10 dollars each to fill them out. I only had 2 Cisco 10Gb SFPs in a drawer, but I have used both at work in the past and never had an issue. Both of these seem to work fine in these cards.

Now the of the 3 I ordered was bad. I am sure they will fix it, but it did cause me some headaches because I put both good ones in my ESX boxes loaded the VIB files rebooted and they were just working.... and the bad one went in my FreeNAS leading me to several hours of troubleshooting (adding kernel drivers, swapping slots, etc) then finally I broke down and decided to swap one of the ones from the ESX box to the FreeNAS and it also just worked (Figures). While the one I moved to ESX did not. Yep is bad so a little configuration later in ESX/FreeNAS and my ISCSI is seeing some

I just got to get this one RMA'd and that will give me 1x 10Gb link to each VMHost. Hopefully I will get the funds for either a Ubiquiti 10Gb switch or Mikrotik.

Maybe I will just go with a L2 10Gb switch you see on Ebay. Sure they eat a bit more power but your starting to see quite a few at sub 200 dollars vs even a Mikrotik or Ubiquiti switch regularly around 500 and I will need probably at least 8 ports. I could get say a Cisco 5010/5020 even for sub 200 but to be honest I know how loud those are from work and I would rather not even if it is in my basement. The closest thing I have seen to acceptable is still too much its a Mikrotik switch with 8 SFP+ ports and a 1Gb ethernet and even that is too rich for me right now at just under 300 brand new. Amazon has the same switch for 240.

Speed before and After

Before (2x1GB in VMware Distributed Switch)

After (1x10Gb Caching is inflating this a lot im sure but the bandwidth is there)


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