Quick Organizr Update

The new FreeNas box has been working great. I have decided to play with Organizr a bit more and have added Monitorr. I tried to get it to work in a FreeNas jail, but honestly got pissed at the whole process. So I decided to install a RancherOS VM in my ESX and play with that. I am still trying to understand how to use docker better, but I have Monitorr running in a container there. Its been a bit painful, but got to learn sometime. I then added the monitorr service status bar to my organizr using various tutorials. I may go back at some point and either install RancherOS on my FreeNas or try a jail again but its good enough for now :) I have also added a Tautulli jail but there isn't much to say about that other than it works to gather some stats on my Plex, easy enough to look into on your own.

I have also added a cheap $16 light bulb camera to my Zoneminder install. The camera isn't super great but for the cost I can't really complain and its only watching a small area of my back door patio the software and setup is pretty crappy, but it will work. 

Just a quick update on things I am playing with. Otherwise, I may make a post about some of the work that's about to get done on my truck. I have a fuel injector on my F-250 that I have been limping along for almost 2 years, but its finally gotten bad enough I am going to have to fix it. So I figured it I have to take apart the top end of one side of the engine might as well change all 4 on that side with almost 140K on the dial. I also ordered a blue spring fuel pressure kit, and a coolant filter since the 6.0 had a lot of issues with that I should take care of it before it potentially becomes a problem or at least hopefully reduce the chance. 


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