Another CPU upgrade?? and a bit of Overclocking on the Ryzen 7 3700X

 Been a busy time around here the last few days. I have been tweaking and adjusting the 3700x I put in my desktop. As I updated in the blog before I managed to get my DDR4-3000 to run DDR-3200 I didn't have to adjust the timing at all...just set it to 3200 and boom on its way. 

Easy enough... Ok, So next I started to play with the new tool "ClockTuner for Ryzen 1.0r by 1usmus" I really hadn't thought much about overclocking this CPU but in the end I just couldn't help myself. So after a bit of playing with that letting it first run the "diagnostics" portion it came back and I had a "gold" cpu.... sweet lets see what that can do! Well again after some more playing I easily got it to run at an All-Core overclock of 4.425GHZ..... oh hell yeah! That is 800 MHZ above the stock clock. So far it has been perfectly stable and honestly it doesn't even run hot. I tried it as high as 4.475 and it seemed ok. I also tried it at 5.0 GHZ and that crashed pretty quickly. So I backed it back down to 4.425 to give me a little safety factor. So far not a single crash playing EVE, CIV6, or Borderlands 2. Alright, Alright, Alright!

CU Upgrade?

But wait, what CPU upgrade? Ok, so in my homelab I have an Dell R710 and a Dell R610. The R610 already has dual 6 core/12 thread X6560s, the R710 had Dual quad core E5420s 2.5GHZ. Well I want to keep these two boxes going a bit longer and they were on ESX6.5. For those that know there is a 6.7 and also now ESX 7.0 is out. I know that neither of these boxes will work on 7.0 at all unless someone finds a good hack around the limits currently on the ISO, but they can be upgraded to 6.7 IF the CPU is supported and you force it a bit. Using the command below I could force them to take 6.7U3

esxcli software profile update -d -p ESXi-6.7.0-20190802001-standard

So I upgraded the R610 with the X5650 2.67GHZ hexcores and it started right up...sweet... the R710 with the E5420s  2.5GHZ quad cores....not so much it wouldnt boot with 6.7. Crap... so i thought what the hell lets see whats on Ebay. 35 dollars later and a few days and I got two more X5650 hexcore and boom 6.7 went on and booted no problem so I got 4 more cores, a bit faster clocks, and another version of ESX compatibility out of the R710. That takes my home lab up to 24c/48t with ESX 6.7 and after an earlier upgrade in ram to the 710 I now have 176GB of RAM for VMs (96 and 80). That hopefully will allow me to keep using both of these servers for at least another year. I am not sure how bad the 7.0 itch will bite me which may make me decide to get a 3rd newer node maybe, but not right now. 


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