New FreeNas (part 2)

So it is here, YAAA! First thing of course I put in the 64GB of RAM I ordered, put a 250GB hard drive I had laying around in it and installed Windows after playing around in the BIOS setting up the IPMI IP etc. I then fully updated Windows and ran ycruncher on it for several hours just to kind of work out any issues if there were any.... there were not. YAA! again. As I mentioned I messed up when I ordered it and ordered the version with a RAID controller card instead of an HBA.

Well, last night I went to rearrange the rack and repair an issue I had when I first put it together where some of my rails were not long enough. So originally I flipped the upright on the rack around so they would reach...apparently my brain wasn't working or something that day because the obvious answer should have been well move the uprights closer together. So I did that last night and flipped the upright back around so now all the rails reach as they should...another YAAA!

Now the part where I go SHIT! So I had fully intended to move over the drives etc from my current box to the SuperMicro like I said in the last blog I already have a LSI 9011-8i HBA (actually 2 but we will get to that) so I went to move it to the Supermicro....and shit the MiniSAS connectors on my current one are on the side... the cables aren't long enough....crap! So I think to myself hey I had another HBA with the ports in the back but one of the ports was bad. So I set off looking around the room for cannot find it. I thought crap must have thrown it away. SO I finish racking wiring etc, its after 11pm and then as I am cleaning up I find a box with the partially working HBA. WOOT! So I throw it in and hook it up just to play with. Fire it up enough to make sure it at least sees the 250GB drive I threw in. I then went on EBAY and ordered another one of the same model with the ports in the back should be here in a couple days...40 dollars or so I think.

And the second crap moment. So I planned on taking the 16GB that originally came in the Supermicro and putting it in my Dell 610 that only has 48GB to take it up to 64...well I open it and all the RAM slots are full, ok I forgot about that. So I then just put the 16GB in the R710 which still had open slots taking it up to 80GB. I will probably get around to ordering some 8 or 16 GB DIMMS at some point to take the R610 up to at least 64, but I am good for now potentially swapping some around with the R710 to get it there when I do.

I then threw a spare USB drive into the Supermicro and installed FreeNas I want to play with a few things before I move everything over after the new HBA gets here. Mostly I am looking at ZoneMinder so that I can potentially install a couple cameras outside the house to keep an eye on things and I wanted to play with it without adding a new jail to my current FreeNas install until I am sure.

I ordered some more network cables today cause I like items to be the same color..OCD I guess. So storage networking has been purple for a while, but I am ordered orange for IDRAC/IPMI, and Blue for standard networking. Should be here in a day or two.

Ok, so that is the saga of the install up to this point. The obligatory picture below.


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