
Showing posts from 2019

Unifi start

I have been looking at many people's Ubiquiti installs for a bit, and while I am not in a hurry to rush headlong into it due to funds etc I figured it was about time to at least start. Part of this decision was driven by the fact I have a Wireless N extender which was like 20 dollars which has always been a bit problematic. It has served fairly well, but it is at least 6 years old now and I thought I should jump to something that supports 802.11 AC since my main Linksys router does. I went with Ubiquiti vs another extender because I would like to over time at least move my wireless to their stuff and I have been debating eventually getting a mini-pc of some sort to turn into a Pfsense router or possibly a Ubiquiti Security Gateway. My only issue with the security gateway is that in order to keep the price lower Ubiquiti seems to have used a pretty slow CPU which seems to have issues in some instances with some of the unofficial add-ons. I would like to eventually move my OpenVPN se...

Quick Organizr Update

The new FreeNas box has been working great. I have decided to play with Organizr a bit more and have added Monitorr. I tried to get it to work in a FreeNas jail, but honestly got pissed at the whole process. So I decided to install a RancherOS VM in my ESX and play with that. I am still trying to understand how to use docker better, but I have Monitorr running in a container there. Its been a bit painful, but got to learn sometime. I then added the monitorr service status bar to my organizr using various tutorials. I may go back at some point and either install RancherOS on my FreeNas or try a jail again but its good enough for now :) I have also added a Tautulli jail but there isn't much to say about that other than it works to gather some stats on my Plex, easy enough to look into on your own. I have also added a cheap $16 light bulb camera to my Zoneminder install. The camera isn't super great but for the cost I can't really complain and its only watching a small ...

All things Organized

As I mentioned in my last post I was tired of having a folder full of bookmarks to get to everything on my network...I have a bunch of stuff and it sucks. So I had seen someone discussing Organizr ( ) a while back and thought yep its time to make this work. So I set up a new jail on my new FreeNas server as I mentioned in the last post and got to work. So after quite a bit of experimentation, reading, playing, downloading custom JPEGs etc this is where I ended up at. A landing page with all my links that can be easily updated as needed. There are some people out there doing some awesome things with it and I may add more things over time. So here is a few screenshots etc. Some items do not like being in an iframe and some I just let pop out to their own windows. Just depends on how they act.  As I also mentioned the other day I finally got around to getting Lidarr installed in a jail as well. ( ) I have been a...

FreeNas cutover and More

I got all the hard drives moved over, I got a few new small flash drives for SLOGs in my system. I ordered a few of these for putting a 2.5-inch drive into my 3.5 bays. They work perfectly. Other than having to fight the networking which seems pretty standard on a move it all went pretty well. I don't know what it is about FreeNas in LACP that completely pisses off my switches, but once I got it worked out it is working very well. Then took the old PC/Server out. The bigger project for the weekend was getting Organizr, Lidarr, and ZoneMinder running. These were a combination of a few projects I had been working on. Each of these is running in their own jail inside of FreeNAS along with other software. Organizr, I have a lot of internal services I wanted to go past bookmarks- Music management client similar to Radarr/Sonarr - Lidarr -  h...

New FreeNas (part 2)

So it is here, YAAA! First thing of course I put in the 64GB of RAM I ordered, put a 250GB hard drive I had laying around in it and installed Windows after playing around in the BIOS setting up the IPMI IP etc. I then fully updated Windows and ran ycruncher on it for several hours just to kind of work out any issues if there were any.... there were not. YAA! again. As I mentioned I messed up when I ordered it and ordered the version with a RAID controller card instead of an HBA. Well, last night I went to rearrange the rack and repair an issue I had when I first put it together where some of my rails were not long enough. So originally I flipped the upright on the rack around so they would reach...apparently my brain wasn't working or something that day because the obvious answer should have been well move the uprights closer together. So I did that last night and flipped the upright back around so now all the rails reach as they should...another YAAA! Now the part where I go S...

New Freenas server on the way.

So I have been using an older AMD FX-8320 based Freenas box for a couple years which was originally one of my old gaming machines. It has served me pretty well, but over the course of my current lab requirements and testing I have to do let's just say it works, but it struggles. I have issues with occasional crashes especially while using ISCSI LUNS inside Vmware ESX. I think the reality is I am just doing too much with the amount of RAM I have. Freenas makes it very clear in their documentation that of course, RAM is very important between ZFS caching and other functions. I have multiple jails running, I have ISCSI LUNSs for SQL cluster testing. I even have a VM domain controller inside my Freenas....and I only have 24GB of RAM. If I were only running Plex/Freenas I think that would be plenty, I could probably even get away with my VM running, but I also have 7 other jails and the ISCSI on top of that. I would like to add at least 2 more jails. (Lidarr and Organizer)  I cou...

Cluster/AOA script continued

I have done some more scripting related to building AOA etc in our environment. May be useful for someone. I admit it could be a bit cleaner etc but should work for helping others facing a truly automated build. I am sure I could change the Read-host entries to parameters/variables if we were going to use SCCM or something to deploy, but we are not quite there yet in my environment, unfortunately. Note: I have updated the script some more to create variables for the instance name etc add some error handling, but the basic function is the same as what is posted below. ###################################################################################### #######variables to modify as needed $path="C:\temp\SQLClusterInstall" #Log File Location $DomainSQLAcct ="somedomain\acct" $BackupShare="G:\Backups" #Set Policy Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass ################################################################## ## Cre...
FSRM and setting quotas with PowerShell Scripts I am not going to go into how to do it only that for Powershell scripts that use FSRM cmdlets to work it appears you need to reboot twice! We were running a hardening script on some SQL boxes and part of the script installs FSRM if it's not already there. So after it installs it often needs a reboot again no big deal reboot run the script again.... well we try to run the script and no matter what it says the FSRM commands are not there. So we open up the Powershell ISE we can even see the cmdlets in the ISE...huh weird we tried a few different things and then headed off to Google after nothing else worked. I found one obscure post from an Azure board where the guy had to reboot twice.... I thought no way, but why not since we did not have any other ideas....TADA! Script ran fine ...seriously F you Microsoft.... You cost me some more hours of my life.... so I guess the lesson of the day is if you can't figure out why something t...

A little powershell help for a cluster build

I am tasked with automating a cluster build for use by our field folks as much as possible. One of the issues I hit was that while there was a way to use Test-Cluster to run the report all the posts I found involved manually looking over it before moving on to the build. This may not be the best way to handle it, but it seems to be functional and might help someone else. I am not sure what all messages can come back in the report that someone may want to use for different operations, but this works for my purposes. Further in the script if the if statement was true it then prompts the user for the cluster name and IP and then runs the new-cluster powershell cmdlet.